Contacts and addresses Studia3D

International shipping terms

Address: Moscow, st. Amurskaya, 1Ak3
tel.: +7 (495) 532-43-47


tel.: +7 (775) 830-07-32

Loading a 3D model

Upload your 3D model in the format .stl, .obj, .stp, .step, .igs, .iges.

Calculating the cost

The system calculates the cost based on the selected material.


Place an order for both an individual and a legal entity.


Get the order at the point of issue or call the courier.

Information for clients

If you want to order the production of a product by 3D printing, please note that in manual mode we accept and process orders only for small-scale production or the production of large-sized products. If you have a technical task for a small series or a large-sized product, please send it to e-mail with your contact details to contact our specialists in case of questions or clarifications. We perform a full set of works on the formation of a 3D model and the release of finished products, processing products, painting and other types of work to bring the order to the final form.

If you need to place an order for 3D printing of a single product, please use the automatic system for calculating the cost and placing an order for 3D printing on our website in the section order 3D printing. In the system, you can upload your 3D model, select the material of the product and pay for the order with a bank card or issue an invoice for payment for your organization. To order a product manufacturing service, a 3D model is required. If you do not have a 3D model or your model is not suitable for 3D printing, you can order a service 3D simulation separately. To place an order for 3D modeling, please send the terms of reference to the email address If you want to know the requirements for 3D models, you need to follow the link.

With examples from other materials and technologies, you can see page.

Manufacture of goods

Over 40 units of 3D printers



Production of parts to order

Over 230 units of 3D printers



Select currency
RUB Russian ruble